I finally uploaded some of my favorite camera phone pics, so while these are a little old, here are my two favs (from my camera)...

Yes, the above picture pretty much sums up Brenna. Food...her favorite thing. That picture was taken the first time we gave her a piece of pizza. Yea, she's had several more since then. Bad Mommy. But she loves it! And we can't eat pizza in front of her - she goes crazy till she gets some! She even likes spinach pizza! Blech! Her personality is sometimes so different from Brooke's. Brooke STILL doesn't like pizza really. And she never much paid attention to what we ate...still doesn't. Brenna watches every bite of food you put into her mouth wondering why it is not going in hers.
She has the most dazzling blue eyes I swear! I don't edit any of these pics unless I specifically say I do (as in the Chicken Pox days of long ago), but just look at those blue eyes sparkle! They are even more stunning in person and we get comments on her beautiful eyes every where we go.
She is definitley toodling around the house these days, crawling everywhere, pulling up, cruising and now using her push-toy to get around rather well too. I feel pretty confident in our baby-proofing, but again, she's an all together different kid than Brooke and definitely more likely to get into something she shouldn't. Not to mention she is very fond of Brooke's room. We (Brooke and I) keep a close eye on what she has at her level, but every once in a while, we'll find her up to no good. Let's just say I sure am glad chalk is not toxic.
Here she is getting tickled by Brooke. Don't they look like the best of sisters? They are.
Her development is really exploding all of the sudden - for the good and bad I suppose. She has started signing A LOT now. FINALLY! I thought she never would. And now you can tell she thinks it is waaaaay cool to sign things. She'll stop what she is doing just to sign to you, then just grin and go back to it. She does "milk", "more", "dog", "cat", "pacifier", "Brooke", "eat", and "finished" (sort of). And she is pointing at everything now. She will point to something until you label it for her. Today we were walking around a store and I got so tired of saying "yes, clothes", "yes, more clothes", "uh-huh...clothes". The people there probably thought I was nuts.

Here she is getting tickled by Brooke. Don't they look like the best of sisters? They are.

Along with her sweetness, she has definitely developed some bad habits - as in getting totally TEE-d off when you take something away. Like total screaming melt-down. Well, for all of about a minute. Till you distract her with something else. She's also a tad bit spoiled with using a sippy cup. You see, when she was first learning to use one several months back, she would not know to tip it up. So, I would kinda hold it up for her. Now, months later, she still wants someone to hold it up for her. She'll pull it out of her mouth and thrust it at you, as if to say, "here. Hold it." Uh-oh...we're in trouble!
She also loves books and is really into them now as well. She follows along, again, wanting everything labelled, both with words and signs. I'm fortunate in that Brooke knew A LOT of signs (probably 80-100 literally) so I still remember the sign for a lot of different and random things.

Today, she thought this was a fun game, playing tug of war with a letter with Brooke. Gee....can you tell we have dogs? First, Brooke thinks the hair salon is called the groomers and now a game of tug of war with your mouth! Nice...

And my brand new phone (only about 1 month and half old) went out. So, today Sprint replaced it free of charge with a new one. Ironically enough it was the one time Murphy's Law worked in my favor. I never ever ever buy those stupid insurance plans they always offer you for electronics, phones, and such. Just a waste in my opinion. But for some reason, I got it this time and they gladly and easily replaced my phone for a new one. Whew! It made for a fun couple days, but I'm back in business now. Apparently I had an older model before a later known issue was corrected. Now, I have a new and improved model. Whatever all that means.
I'm starting to get vacation ancy. I wanna go somewhere! But, we're broke and can't really afford anything pricey. I'm hopeful we'll at least get a trip to Seaworld or the beach this Summer. Hopefully before it gets too hot. Oh, wait. It already is "too hot". Geesh - what happened to Spring anyway? Maybe we should just take that off the calendar for us Texans. We spend a lot of afternoons at the pool...the one in our backyard anyway. :-) We stay out till the mosquitos come out anyway. Ugh. I still wonder why Noah let those two darn mosquitos on the Ark?
We're preparing for a garage sale in a couple weeks as well, so I'm trying to get a lot of "Spring" cleaning done and our house de-cluttered. You know, in my not-so-spare time. We usually try to have a garage sale once a year to keep our house cleaned up and to not allow stuff to sit around forever not being used, played with or worn. And it gives us some extra spending money - you know for that Seaworld trip...???? :-)
So enough for my ramblings tonight. It's late and I'm sleepy. More to catch up on later!
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