Saturday, September 6, 2008


I try to stay off the subject of politics too much, but this was too funny not to share...

We keep up with the news and such and have watched the Conventions. But thanks to the technology of TiVo, we record it all and watch it after bedtime. ;) And that's usually when we tend to discuss things, happenings, etc as well. Moral of the story - Brooke doesn't hear much talk of the goings-ons in the world today from us. Not by choice, just because we talk of other things when she's around.

Today, she went with Daddy to put gas in his truck. On the way home, out of the blue, she tells him, "You know, Daddy....I don't really like Brack Obama very much." LOL Yea...neither do we.

1 comment:

Jennifer McHam said...

ha! I love it! we are the SAME WAY! T heard us say "Obama" the other day and he thought the name was funny so he started saying "Oooooh-BAMA!" really silly. We thought "Uh oh - better get him on the right track early..." and convinced him "McCain" was better to say because it sounds more like McHam! :)