And I love how Brooke has to do her fake yawn to try to mimic Brenna...oh brother!

Tons of little baby smiles and laughs....

And a funny story to end this post on. Yesterday I got to have some fun playtime with Brooke. It doesn't happen too often that I can let loose with her since usually I have a baby attached, but last night we had that rare opportunity. So, knowing how much she likes to 'make beds', I encouraged her to gather all her blankets together and dump them on the living room floor. Then I found more in the closet and dumped them on the floor. Then I added to it by adding the ones on the back of the couch and the ones off our bed. Pretty soon we had quite a mound of blankets. Probably 10 or so. She was giggling hysterically thinking this was the greatest fun ever. She was so excited she couldn't contain herself. The she puts out her arms hands up and says, "Look at all these blankets!!! What a mess!!! It's so disgusting!!!"
LOL!!! :)
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