Are you kidding me?! Am I the only one who cannot believe this little tiny newborn is NOT a newborn anymore? I think at 3 months they start to classify them as just 'babies'. :( Its a little sad to think we're out of that 'newborn' stage. Ok, on to updates before I start to cry... So, Brenna is three months old now. We're not sure of her weight/height as she doesn't go back in for a well check till four months. But she's getting bigger that's for sure. Out of the newborn and 0-3 month clothes now. Her thighs are swollen with little fat rolls. When she sits in her bouncy seat, she gets a double chin and looks all puffed up like a little Sumo wrester. :D She is smiling a lot now and has laughed a few times. She gurgles and coos a lot, mainly at Daddy... I tell him it's because he's the funny looking one. :D She also really likes the sound of Brooke's voice and will stare/watch her for what seems like hours! I feel bad cuz we really depend on Brooke to 'go make her happy' while we're finishing up dinner or something because she's so good at it!
Video of her "talking":
She is eating every 3 or 4 hrs, sometimes squeezing in a 2 hr increment. Except for at "night" she still sleeps through. Still breastmilk only and most times she only eats from one side. We are still dealing with reflux or something....constant (as in at least once a day) vomiting and lots of spit up and fussiness. She's still on reflux meds. They may help *some*, but they definitely don't "cure" her. I tried not drinking milk either per the doctors recommendation, but it didn't seem to make a difference either. We thought it did when the one time I gave in and drank some milk, she vomitted almost immediately the next nursing. But I think now it was just a coincidence since it started getting worse again and I am still not drinking milk. *sigh* Sooo....I don't know. I'm done (I think) trying to figure it out, trying to eliminate things (that's such a HUGE deal to go through) from my diet and I'm hoping she will just outgrow it. Prayers for that would be nice. As it is extremely frustrating and sad when she is soo upset. Especially when nursing doesn't comfort her as it would most babies. She also doesn't take to a pacifier. Not to mention this is quite a problem for our water bill, since I am now doing at least 2 loads of laundry a day from things she vomits on. At least when she outgrows it, I'll have a good reason to get our carpets cleaned! :)
She is able to roll now. Though we haven't technically witnessed the action of it, we have put her down in one position only to come back and find her in another. And once she rolled off the ottoman....onto my leg! Don't worry...she's fine. Yes, bad mother of the year award right here. She 'fell' a whole two inches. But who knew she'd be rolling at 2 1/2 mos? She is VERY active and has so much energy. You can tell she has places she wants to go when she goes to kicking. She really still likes her bouncy vibrating seat and will often nap there. Hey whatever works right? She is enjoying her playmat, but more recently we 'found' a new toy in our attic. The play gym. She lays underneath it and by her kicking and batting, she can activate things/music/etc. She really likes that and likes to 'play' there for long periods of time. She's not too fond of the Bumbo seat. She can sit in it fine, but just doesn't like it too much. I think it's cuz there's not much to do? Her two favorite places - the changing table and in the bathroom in front of the space heater. She also likes it outside - cuz it's 101 degrees outside (literally). She enjoys the fresh air, but also enjoys being "warm". And for some reason she really likes being on the changing table and could spend a lot of time there if it was up to her. We still swaddle her at night, but she is getting good at wiggling her arms out. If she stays swaddled, she sleeps much better and much more soundly than if she wriggles her way out. Hence the reason we need a miracle blanket. We have the cheaper version sold in stores, but it doesn't have that little extra two flaps that will hold her arms in. Plus, she's outgrowing it! So, I'm trying to talk Brad into ordering it. Or if anyone has a used one????
Her naps vary. Sometimes, she'll take a gooood loooong nap in the afternoon (simultaneous with Brooke's nap), sometimes she'll just catnap around the house in her bouncy seat, the Moby, or otherwise. Again, whatever works right? Also, she also sleeps well when we are out. At someone else's house, in the carseat, wherever. Just to prove me wrong I think. ;) Brooke is ever-doting on her little sister. She LOVES that she can make her smile almost any time she wants to. She loves that she can hold her a little more carelessly these days (since she's holding her head up and such). She doesn't like having to be quiet when the baby's sleeping. :) She says such sweet things about her. Like..."Mommy, I can barely remember before Brenna was here. But I am sure glad she's here. I love her sooo much!"
Things tend to get a little stressful when a vomitting episode happens. Brooke has to take a back seat to the crying (now hungry) baby and the hour it takes to clean up. But she is such a trooper. As I might be falling apart trying to get everything cleaned and the crib stripped, baby bathed, myself cleaned off, etc, she'll come up and say, "Mommy, I still love Brenna so much even when she's sick and throws up." How it melts my heart at times when I need it. We are so blessed to have two beautiful little girls. We get told often how pretty a baby that Brenna is - just as we did with Brooke. Her hair is still red and still there! (Brooke's was falling out by this time) And her eyes are sooo blue! It's stunning really. I do think she looks more like Brad, while I always thought Brooke looked more like me. Though I also think she looks just like Brooke. So how does that add up? I don't know. She is just beautiful Brenna. The last piece of our family puzzle. :)
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