Just some pics from our garden, which is in full "bloom" (is that ok to say with a garden?). We have a full range of peppers, including chile peppers, bell peppers, and jalapenos, all of which are already producing at a rapid pace. The tomatos have also already started going to town as well. And I believe in a previous post, I noted that we have already gotten quite a few strawberries to my disbelief. They are not monstrous, but they are definitely numerous and yummy!
Bell peppers....

The beginnings of a chile pepper...



And the watermelon/canteloupe vines already trying to 'escape' the garden. :) We are going to try much harder this year to keep them more contained. Last year, while we got TONS of watermelon/canteloupe through DECEMBER!, they took over our yard. So this year, I'm going to try to keep the reins on them a little better. ;)

And last, but not least...our little burrito. That's what we call her anyway when she's all wrapped up. This is a swaddle done by me. Brad does it MUCH better and more professional, as well as tighter. But I never think to take a picture when he does it. Hmmm.....a thought for later maybe.....

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