It's amazing how such a little person can change your life so much. And each one adds to that feeling. You might remember me posting about how to love two kids equally and as much (back when I was hormonal and pregnant). Again, it's a feeling that is un-describable. I love Brooke with all my heart. I love her beauty (inside and out), I love her personality, I love everything about her. My heart is full with love for her. Then enters Brenna. I think your heart just grows. It grows to allow for the same expanding love for the second child. Already, at only two weeks old, I have such a strong love for this little being. I want to wrap her up, protect her, and never let her go. I love everything about her. Her 10 little fingers and toes, her facial expressions, her cries, and her cuddliness. I am so blessed to have two perfect children. one is perfect, but in my eyes, these two little angels are pretty darn close!
To me...that's what Mother's Day is about. A time for me to sit and respect the awesome job assignment that was given to me. Granted I still rec'd a nicely 3year old's artistic card and a few art projects from her school and from Sunday School today. And Brad got me the Loving Family pendant with two kids! (I was so excited - I did have the one with one child and loved it...but was sad I couldn't wear it anymore now that we have two beautiful children. So I was super pleased when I saw what he got for me!) We also had a nice lunch at a family member's house where the moms were catered to. Everything about today has been wonderful. Yet, what I am most happy about is that I have a wonderful husband and father to my children, two beautiful little girls that I am in love with, and everyone's health. I am so honored just by that.
And for the rest of the Mom's out there...well, Happy Mother's Day to you! I hope your day is wonderful and filled with love for your child(ren).
And b/c no post is complete without's my two beauties...
First, our littlest angel cuddling on Mommy:

(being silly wearing Daddy's magnifying glasses):And all the moms at lunch today:

Happy Mother's Day Brooke!
Ok I'm EXHAUSTED - I meant Happy Mother's Day BRANDY!!!!!!!!!! :)
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