Anyway, after a long weekend (long....as in tiring), we've had a few days to re-coop and rest. Even though it's been weekdays, which mean work and school days, it's still been restful compared to our last action-packed weekend. I've really felt like something has 'set in' with this pregnancy. I've gotten so extremely tired, there are times I can't keep my eyes open. I feel like this baby is even lower now...could she have 'dropped' already? Anyway, so with all the discomforts of late, I decided to put in my two weeks (or so) 'notice' at school. My goal was to make it as long as possible and I feel like I have. If I work two more weeks, then that only gives me about two weeks non-working before the baby comes. Well, assuming we make it to the Csection date. Part of me feels like I am being more of a hinderence than a help at work, which I never want. And part of me wants to be a little selfish and have a couple weeks before the baby gets here to myself. So, I told them this week that I would work two more weeks (well, assuming all goes well till then), but would also go until they find a permanent sub should that prove difficult and take longer than the two weeks. I'm not going to leave them and my kids high and dry with no replacement. But I also wanted to provide enough time for them to be on the lookout.
So, with that announcement being made and being made official, I feel like things are really getting close! Downhill stretch now right? Only a few more weeks! We still have a few more baby things to do and get ready. And frankly, it's really starting to set in that ACK! We're about to have a baby!!!! It has just felt always off in the distance. Now the 'distance' isn't so distant anymore. 34 weeks pregnant now and only one month till my Csection date - it's scheduled and everything. Of course, if Brenna wants to come earlier, she will I'm sure. ;) So, definitely on the homestretch now. I'm ready to start getting things really ready - getting the bassinet out, installing the carseat, boiling bottles and pacifiers...that kinda thing. Let me just say it again - ACK! We're about to have a baby!!! I mean that in a good way. It's a little scary as you can imagine as well as a bit surreal. Questions are starting to float in my head now. Will the Csection go better this time? (I don't want to relive Brooke's birth) Will Brooke handle my hospital stay ok? Will she be as accepting of Brenna when she gets here as she is now? Will the recovery go ok? Will the baby be born healthy and ready to come home right away? Will she be a good baby? How big will she be? What have I forgotten about newborns in the last three years that I need to know? Will I love her as much as I do Brooke - is that possible? (I know, silly question, but seriously...Brooke is perfect and you can't get any better than perfect right? ;) )
Ahhh...anyway, so turmoil is starting to set in in my brain, but it's a little fun and exciting too. All the while dealing with the discomforts of pregnancy. Back aches, bones splitting apart, killer heartburn, swollen feet hands and ankles, breathing problems...not to mention allergies now. Ugh. So, I find myself crossing the lines between - Ugh...I'm so miserable to ACK! We're about to have a baby!
In other wonderful news, I have a friend who has been struggling with infertility for a few years now. And it's hard being the pregnant lady next to a woman who wants to desparately to become pregnant. She has been a great friend, a concerned friend, and a wonderful support. She's so excited about my pregnancy and I'm so thrilled to have her as a friend. Well....today, she found out SHE'S PREGNANT!!!! After so much trying and finally 'giving up', she got pregnant - didn't even think she was - and is about 6 wks along. I am so over-the-moon happy for her. She is such a positive person in my life and I am so blessed to have her in my life. It really made my weekend to hear such wonderful news. If anyone deserves a healthy pregnancy, it is this young lady. Oh...and the big sister is going to be so ecstatic too! :) Congrats again to her!
I love Brook's dress! I looks very familiar:) I know it was a favorite of ours for a long time!
Yes...you will love Brenna just as much as Brooke...and it will be amazing!! Math doesn't work with Mommy's and love, because 1 heart doesn't get divided amongst children!!
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