Brenna Ann
April 26, 2008
8 lbs, 4 oz
18 inches long
She's here! We didn't have to wait too much longer after my last post! Brenna decided her time was here. My water broke first thing in the morning on Saturday morning (about 7:30a). I knew the feeling right away (remembering it from Brooke) and it woke me up. I told Brad, rushed to the bathroom and made it in time before the gush. Brad set in panic mode again (same as 3 yrs ago). Luckily and coincidentally my mom was here the night before and woke up to take care of Brooke just as she was waking. Brad loaded the bags (with some gentle guidance) and thought it important to take the trash out, make the bed, and slightly clean the house before we left for the hospital. He says later he remembers none of that craziness. :)
Anyway, we explained to Brooke as she ate her cereal that we were going to the hospital to get Brenna out of my tummy. She took it well and kissed us 'bye'. I started having some pretty good contractions on the way, my water still leaking. When I got to the ER, they wheeled me up pretty quick. But the Dr on call was in surgery. Ironically it was Dr Acker, who was also on call the day Brooke was born. Anyway, she eventually came in. Didn't seem like too long to me, though they did have to give me some pain meds to get me through some of the contractions.
The anesthisiologist was our favorite and one who we would've requested - Dr Adams. He did the spinal while Brad got garbed up. It did not hurt a bit! I was pleasantly surprised. They laid me done, I felt my legs go numb, but still had the feeling of 'sensation'. Brad came in and they soon began the surgery. I didn't feel anything in any sort of pain, but could feel tugging and pulling sensations. Brad was able to witness what he wanted to witness. ;) He took it well and was so excited to be in the room this time. Dr Adams was wonderful in that he was talking to me the whole time to keep my mind off of the surgery. It didn't take long though, before I heard the cries, and shouts of "It's a girl!". I looked over to see Brad beaming and taking pictures. I think I started to cry (tears of joy). I can't believe she was here! I asked if she was ok, everyone assured me she was. I kept hearing her strong cry and I knew to believe them and then I KNOW I began to cry. Knowing my baby girl was here, healthy, and joining our family.
It didn't take long before they called Brad over to carry her to me. They laid her on my chest (while they continued to pull out the placenta and stitch (er....staple) me up. I was oblivious. I was just taking in every moment of what I had with her at this point. I was memorizing her beautiful face. Dr Adams again (did I mention how much I love him?!) offered and took sevaral pictures for us. I am so thankful. We had none of this with Brooke and now I have these memories and pictures to last a lifetime.
They then had to take her to get her cleaned up, bathed, weighed...all that good stuff. They finished me up while Brad went with our daughter...Brenna. She was born at 10:10am, weighed 8 lbs, 4 oz (YES! At three weeks early! Can you imagine if she had made it to 40 wks?!) and was 18 inches long. She is a chunky girl - just like her big sister was.
Pretty soon I was wheeled into recovery, where I met Brad and they soon after brought Brenna to us to nurse. I was a bit groggy - I think still from the original pain meds they gave me for the contractions in the beginning. They were a bit concerned at first because her blood sugar was 20. Apparently they like it at 40 and above. And I already started hearing mention of formula. But! Have no fear...little Brenna took to nursing like a champ, only needed a little guidance the first time and at the next test (after only one nursing session) she was at a 42. They tested her again 30 min later - 64. And again 30 minutes later - 92. She passed her test. And she came to our room. She continued to breastfeed well and we were doing great! I was a little groggy but completely aware of everything. Brenna got to stay in our room from then on out (also quite the difference from Brooke's birth who was in ICU for 3 days). She was in our room overnight and she continued to breastfeed throughout.
As for me, I was feeling ok. A little sore, but nothing like my previous C-section. I was getting up and walking as soon as they allowed me too (probably about 10 that night). I took a shower the first thing next morning when the IV came out. I really felt pretty good. I moved a little slow, but otherwise, I felt good!
The pediatrician came in and checked over Brenna and marveled at her beauty and said she would be free to go home as soon as I was.
Brooke got to come up to the hospital after her nap that same afternoon. The second she walked in through the door and saw the little baby in my arms, she began to beam. Trying to hide her excitement and pride. She came right over to Brenna and started cuddling her, stroking her, hugging her, kissing her. She wanted to hold her right away (we obliged...with supervision of course) and did not want to let her go! Even when Brenna began to cry because she was hungry. It was the most beautiful thing I could've asked for. To see our children (plural now!) together in that way. Brooke was sad (and I really mean she was sad...close to tears) to have to leave later to go eat dinner, but we assured her she could come back the next day.
When Dr Acker came to visit me the following day, she was pleasantly surprised at how well I was doing and said I could probably go home the next day. And I said, only half-jokingly, that I wished I could go home today (Sunday...the day after surgery). I knew that with a C-section you have to stay in the hospital 2-4 days. But I really don't sleep well when nurses, doctors, janitors, and everyone else comes in your room every hour. But anyway, she surprisingly obliged! She told me she would write the orders for me to be released and I could go home that afternoon! YAY! The nurses were astonished as they "never have had a Csection patient get a 24-hr discharge". Go me!
So Brooke came up, again after nap on Sunday and came to pick up me and Brenna and take us home. She was soo excited! Again, still doting on everything about her - making comments about her "tiny eyelashes" and "look Mommy, she even has earlobes!". When we got home, I was in some pain from the car ride and we were initially a little worried, but after a good night's sleep, I felt back to feeling good. And all this with no pain meds since they forgot to send me home with a prescription. I will get one though.
So, I go in on Friday for what would've been my 38 wk checkup to get my staples removed.
Back to the real subject at hand. Brenna is beautiful! She looks to me just like Brooke did when she was born. And is so great. She nurses well, has her days and nights mixed up, but we are in love with our newest addition. Brooke has really been a big helper too. At first she wanted to help a little *too* much, but now that we are giving her specific tasks, she is really blossoming into the great big sister we knew she would be. She keeps telling us how excited she is that Brenna is finally out of my tummy. I am tearing up as I write this only because I could not be happier with our new 'expanded' family. And to see these two kids (again, take note of the plural form of the word now) together is the most love I can have. I am so blessed and thankful for this family. For the wonderful husband of support, comfort and the greatest father. For the first beautiful child we had together who has the sweetest, kindest, gentlest spirit. And now, for our newest blessing, just as beautiful and sure to fill our lives with more love, laughter, and happiness. You put all of that together and what more could a girl ask for?
I'll stop being gushy now and post some pics. The first group is from the hospital, first of the birth (don't worry - I left out the graphic pics...even though they weren't really *that* graphic). The second group are some from home. And it is true..you aren't quite as camera happy with the second child, but the love is still there. Enjoy the pics and again, Happy Birthday Brenna!!!
I have been checking your blog like every 20 minutes - it's about time you posted here! :) I knew it wouldn't take long.
She's so beautiful, Brandy. And Brooke is just glowing in those pics taken on the sofa!!!
Congratulations again!
Congrats girl! She is absolutely beautiful! I was a bit shocked when I checked the web today- wasn't expecting her yet! Glad everyone is healthy and doing good. Talk to you soon! Congrats!
She's just precious!!
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