All in all, I guess I'm doing ok. Though my list of complaints is getting longer. I'm basically just really really ready to have this baby! I have hit the 9-mo miserable pregnant mark. You know, where all I can fit into is a mumu, I waddle when I walk, the only comfortable place is a recliner and even then I just wanna lay there and not move. *sigh* Only a few more weeks.....
In the meantime, I have had some back contractions - the kind you feel in your back. Those are not fun. Even beforehand, I have been having some pretty substantial contractions, but the ones in my back are killers! I swear this baby can't possibly get any lower! And her kicks are so much more, um, 'pronounced' than Brooke ever was. Even Brad was saying that it was pretty incredible the strength to which she kicks and described it as feeling like a fish out of water flopping around. Pretty good description I suppose. They can be quite painful as well if she kicks in just the right spot or if it catches me off guard.
I'm pretty out of breath most of the time - even just sitting. I've also been having some noticeable 'stabbing' pains in one specific part of my abdomen. Come to find out, it's the muscles stretching/tearing apart as my tummy still continues to expand. My belly button is completely gone. I read a book once where the author joked that this is the one time in your life where you can see the inside of your belly button. Ahhh...the silver lining.
Sleep is sadly interrupted these days. It's funny how people tell you to catch up on your sleep and sleep as much as you can before the baby gets here! Do they not know how that is entirely impossible when you are 9 months pregnant? I mean, I understand the concept, but really...if I have to be up during the night, I'd at least like to be getting up to feed a baby instead of to empty my bladder. I drink a entire 64 oz of water throughout the night, from the time I go to sleep till the time I wake up in the morning - I am just so doggone thirsty ALL the time. So when I get up to make my routine nightly trips to the potty, I am also guzzling water at the same time. I know it's very counterproductive, but I cannot get enough to drink! And during the day....well, I don't even want to begin to try to calculate how much I drink throughout the course of the day. No need for worry here though, I did the same with Brooke towards the end. My only panic is that the night before the Csection, I am not supposed to eat or drink anything after midnight!!!! :O What am I going to do? I don't know....let's move on, quick, before I start to have an anxiety attack....
My blood pressure is steady at 'a little high', the swelling comes and goes and can get pretty bad. But since I'm no longer working, I don't have those 'hard days' as much any more. Still the only shoes I wear every day are my flip flops - the pregnant woman's lifesaver! I still am not gaining weight really. All in all since day one of pregnancy (waaay back when), I have only gained 14 lbs total. So pretty good I guess. Though I feel like a whale. And I swear all the weight gain is in the fluid in my ankles/feet.
The baby is otherwise doing well. Heartbeat is good and strong, she actually has moved back around I believe to the head-down position. Again, doesn't matter for the sake of the Csection, but it is much more comfortable on me this way. Maybe she'll stay put these last few weeks.
I am really feeling like she won't make it till the Csection date. I don't know. I just feel so stinkin huge, she feels so stinkin low, and maybe the rest of it is just impatience on my part.
I am really feeling like she won't make it till the Csection date. I don't know. I just feel so stinkin huge, she feels so stinkin low, and maybe the rest of it is just impatience on my part.
Here's the update from Babycenter on baby:
Your baby is gaining about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. She's shedding most of the downy hair that covered her body, as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance
that protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Next week, your baby will be considered full-term.
And a picture from Babycenter of what the baby *should* look like right now....

On the homefront, the baby's room is pretty much all prepared and ready. The final preparations are still on our to-do list. Packing for the hospital, sterilizing pacifiers, washing a few last loads of baby clothes, etc. But for the most part, we are ready for the baby! Well......I'll definitely feel that way once I get the bags packed. Brad again wants this baby to wait till the Csection date, but I keep telling him...I don't know..... He did the same with Brooke. Her due date was Apr 7, born on Mar 27. He kept telling me, no, she's not going to be born till April....I kept telling him, she wasn't waiting that long and lo and behold, she came on Mar 27. So, I guess we'll see what Brenna wants to do. As of next week, I'll officially be 'full-term' and safe to have the baby. Of course at this point with Brooke, for some reason I had an ultrasound and knew she was going to be big (she was almost 9lbs at two weeks early and by the ultrasound she was 7lbs already at 36 wks). I am really curious how big Brenna is right now. Hmmmm....
Brooke is still pretty pumped about Brenna. She asks me every once in while, "When is Brenna EVER coming out o
f your tummy?" LOL! We have moved the bassinet (aka Pack N Play) in our room and so she now knows the baby will be camping out in our room in the beginning and doesn't appear to be phased by that either. She even rushed to go pick out a toy for Brenna to have in her bed and helped Daddy put the bed together, clean it, etc (shown in these pictures). I'm telling you this little girl is having no adjustment problems as of yet. I just hope it stays that way.

I'm starting to have a little anxiety over her being without us when we are staying at the hospital. I will guaranteed have to be there 2-4 days, if there are no complications. Hopefully she'll deal with that ok as
well, though, that is probably my biggest anxiety with this pregnancy so far. She is my little first....I don't want it to seem as if she is any less important and wish she could stay up at the hospital with us! I feel like I already miss her! We are going to try to make her feel as special as possible when Brenna gets here. "Brenna" has already planned a special present just for her big sister.

And another preggo belly shot - for your amusement and entertainment. It is really hard to wear anything these days. I promise if you see me out and about and my belly is exposed, I'm really not doing that on purpose. I try really really hard to keep it covered, but as I said, this baby is sooo low, shirts just don't cover me up as well anymore.

PS - Not a real good time for this, but I'm also currently sick. Brooke is a little congested as well, but I am really sick. My throat's swollen, congested, fever, the whole nine yards. The doctor recommended a couple different meds that were ok to take, but it's definitely no fun being this pregnant and sick at the same time. So please pray I get over this quickly and it doesn't affect me *too* much?
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