Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm not too much into Valentine's Day. I'm of the philisophy that it's a "Hallmark holiday" and just a reason to waste some money on nonsensical things. Not that I'm opposed to the rest of the world celebrating the day....I just don't much see the point.

That being said, I do enjoy being a mom and a wife. Even though I was dead tired yesterday and my back (tailbone) was hurting so bad I could barely stand, I spent thirty minutes or so making Valentine sacks for Brooke to take to school today. We filled the treat sacks for her fellow students with small trinkets and toys. Things like bubbles, kaliedoscopes, bracelets, etc, along with the Mickey Mouse cards she picked out. No, I did not put any traditional candy in them. I figure since Brooke doesn't get candy (horrible parents aren't we?), I never want to be hypocritical and pass on the candy to others. So I always try to find fun toys and replacements that kids can enjoy for a while.
Then we also spent an hour or more afterwards making heart shaped Rice Krispie treats to give to her teachers. I could've done it myself in half the time or less but thought it important she help. So, she helped. It ended up taking as I said twice as long and making a mess three times the size, but it was fun and she was so proud to take them to her teachers today.

(reading the directions)
(pouring Rice Krispies into bowl)
(stirring it up)(shaping into the hearts)(decorating with icing)(ta-da!)
And even though I am so broke I can't afford to get our groceries this week, I spent the last few dollars in my account travelling down to a local grocery store and picking up some odd and ends for Brad. Stuff that he likes to use daily. Useful items such as lip balm, lotion for his 'dry hands' ;) , his favorite Pepperidge Farm cookies, an iPod for dummies mini book, flossers, and more as well as a few candy bars. I tried to get things he would actually use instead of things that would be wasteful.

And today, when I got home from work, I came home to a surprise of a vaseful of beautiful red roses and a card with a note that says 'Look in the fridge'. So, as I open the door to the fridge, I see a container full of WHITE chocolate covered strawberries - MY FAVORITE treat! I swear I have the best husband in the world.
So, as I said at the beginning of this post, I am not too much into Valentine's Day. But I enjoy being a wife to the best husband in the world and doing things for him that I can manage to do and I appreciate all he does for me and all he puts up with from me. I also enjoy being a mom to the most beautiful girl in the world (even with a busted lip ;) ). I enjoy helping her to learn about unconditional love...the kind of love that our little and expanding family has for each other. And I enjoy her hugs and kisses with every ounce of my soul more than anything in the world.

Happy Valentine's to everyone. I hope you feel as loved as I do this day and every day!

(opening Valentine presents from Mommy and Daddy)

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