Monday, February 4, 2008

Bubbles and Bailey

The weather has been really nice lately and so we've gotten to enjoy being outside a lot. While it's not sunny, the temperatures have been lovely. So it's been great to be able to spend some time outdoors. Yesterday, we got out the bubble machine. One of Brooke's favorite pasttimes is chasing bubbles. It helps that Bailey has fun with it as well. While they were having fun, I got some great pictures (or I think so anyway). Here's some pics of the fun....

Not too much other news. My tailbone/lower back is hurting really bad lately. I have to break down and take Tylenol and treat with a heating pad and it STILL doesn't seem to help. I try to take it easy on my non-work days, but that doesn't seem to help either. Brooke is forever getting frustrated with my inability to play with her, but I guess it's an adjustment we're all making.

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