Friday, February 22, 2008

7-Month Pregnancy Update

Seven months....can you believe it?

So, here's the update. I went to the doctor on Monday and had my glucose test - drinking the orange sugary drink, then having my blood drawn to test for gestational diabetes. I just got the results and everything was normal. Not that I expected to fail or anything, but nice to know for sure. Everything else was good. Blood pressure hanging in there for now. I did actually gain a little weight this last month. Up until now, since the start of my pregnancy, I only gained like maybe 1 or 2 lbs. This time there was a jump of 4 lbs. I know...really no room to complain (6-7 lbs total), just wishful thinking that I wouldn't gain any right? Also, the baby's heartbeat was going strong, I was measuring right on target and everything looked good! We talked more about the heartburn. She gave me a prescription for Nexium. Since I seem to be throwing up regularly from heartburn. So far, the Zantac she recommended is only keeping the daily heartburn to a minimum, but when I get a full-blown severe heartburn attack (at LEAST every other day), that's when I'll vomit. No fun. So, she wants me to try the Nexium. I wish they just made a super-strenght Rolaids or something that I can take when it hits me instead of something I just take as a preventative. Oh well. And the tailbone pain comes and goes depending on how streneous of a day I've had.

The baby's kicks are evermore present, stronger, and def more frequent. You can even SEE my bellly moving and jumping around. It's funny in that every time Brad comes around, little Brenna decides to be still as possible. But any time Brooke comes near, she starts bouncing off the walls (of my tummy that is). Maybe that means, she is already loving her sister so much. :) Brooke says everytime..."I think Brenna has the hiccups again." LOL.

The nursery is getting closer to being done. Well, it's pretty much done until we finish buying or getting any more necessities. We had given away a lot of Brooke's things, but are slowly trying to replenish the 'necessities'. Luckily we have enough clothes for her to last a year! Other friends have been so kind to pass along their baby girl clothes, so we're definitely stocked up on that aspect. It's mainly the 'baby gear' we're lacking. Anyway...soon enough I suppose. But everything we have is put out, washed, cleaned, and organized. The crib is put together and ready for a baby. And the closet is organized and all the clothes are clean. Not that I expect any early arrivals....I just don't know how much longer my pregnancy will allow me to work in the room so I want to get done what I can now. Of course, that's also my analness shining through. ;)
For those interested, here's what Babycenter says about this week in pregnancy:

How your baby's growing:By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also
developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

And here's a picture of what Baby Brenna *should* be looking like these days (though I swear her feet are always at my bladder kicking away!)...

I will be having my 4D Ultrasound on Mar 7, so I can't wait for that! Hopefully we get some great pictures of her then and I'll definitely be posting those I'm sure!
Until then, here's another belly shot (28 weeks)....

And just for fun and comparison, here I was pregnant with Brooke at 27 weeks

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