Thursday, January 10, 2008

Playhouse Disney Live

With all the other excitement of Christmas, the New year, and the new room, I completely forgot to post about our trip to Playhouse Disney Live. I am not sure if everyone reading knows how infatuated our little girl is with Mickey Mouse and crew, but let me just tell you....she LOVES Mickey! And Minnie, and Donald, and Daisy, Pluto, Goofy, the Professor, and Pete. And if you don't know who all those characters are, then shame on you!
So, about 6 months or so ago, I got notice that Playhouse Disney Live would be coming close to us. How could I pass up a chance for our little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse fan to see Mickey live and in person? And knowing that she is not so into really 'meeting' the characters (still a little scary to see a 6 ft padded mouse), but would love to watch them from a distance dance around on stage, I jumped on the opportunity and purchased tickets for the three of us to go.
The day finally arrived! Just after Christmas, over a weekend, it was time to go. And guess what? Brooke was sick. Miserably sick. She just had a cold, but it was one of those "I feel miserable" colds that you just wanna sleep. Well, we still went. I mean, after all, we had the tickets, what's the worst that could happen right?

*Sigh* Don't ask.

We leave a little early to do some shopping beforehand. We were dealing with serious grumpiness all the way, but I think the final straw was when we (Brooke and I) got into stand-off in the IKEA parking lot over her going potty. She hadn't been all day and was still refusing to go. (Insert here: the child has been potty trained since May...this was simply a stubbornness thing). Anyway, somehow we still manage to get to the auditorium where they were having the show. The entire time, while I knew she was entranced by the show, she still refused to give in to say she had a good time. We all know she loved it though. We got to see Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy (interesting Pluto or Daisy though?). The show also incorporated other members of the Playhouse Disney crew, including Little Einsteins, Winnie the Pooh, and Handy Manny. The show was only an hour long, but it was fun to see the gang and Brooke still talks about it.

Heres some pics:

Before the show, chowing down on popcorn...
The Little Einsteins, complete with Rocket....Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, too...'Resting' during intermission...It's Mickey! It's really Mickey!...Standing up to do the 'Hot Dog Dance'...

The Grand Finale of all the Playhouse Disney characters...

Of course, since the show, she is now feeling better and will speak highly of the event and wants to go back. Yea right. I'm still not over it! Maybe that's why it took me so long to post about it - cuz I had to calm down first? LOL.
And we are still butting heads just a little bit. It's funny how her attitude is starting to shine through. And yes, she can get quite the attitude. Typical girl I suppose. So what were we thinking having another one??? However, now that things are settling back to 'normal', we are starting to become friends again. ;) We are back in school, we are finished with her room and can spend time playing again, back in Kindermusik, and have been able to see some of her friends on a couple of occassions. Life is good. Though she desperately misses her favorite teacher at school who wasn't able to come back this semester. And, even though she can test my patience sometimes, she is being such a sweet girl to my ever-expanding belly, known to her as "the baby". She will ask very often if she can pet the baby or give the baby a kiss. She also remembers on her own to pray for the baby each night. And yes, it is still only 'the baby' names yet. Of course, I am still very open to suggestions for a 'B' girl name for 'the baby'.


IamtheMom said...

I think that was my favorite maternity shirt ;) I bet Playhouse disney was fun, and as far as names, I sticking with Brynn, Brylar, or Brylnn.

Julia said...

This looks like so much fun! How long was the show, and where was it? Dominic loves the playhouse Disney shows....I bet he'd love it live!