Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I thought I would do an update about some funny stuff Brooke amazes us with lately. Just some quick little stories for your reading pleasure.

Her favorite bible story lately has been the story of David and Goliath. I think because it involves a giant. I don't know. But she especially loves when we ad-lib and really emphasize David swinging his slingshot around before he hits Goliath in the head. Anyway, we went to Target and she insisted on getting our dog, Bailey, a new toy. Of course, this new toy happened to be a dog toy replica of Pluto (Mickey Mouse's dog). Anyway, we thought it was still sweet so we allowed her to pick it up and buy it. On the way home, she told us (very animated) that she was going to take it home and play tug of war with Bailey. She was going to take it like a slingshot and swing it around and around and around until WHAM! I hope she wasn't planning on hitting Bailey in the head!

Along the same lines, she is really enjoying playing with Bailey these days and he seems to be enjoying her company more lately as well. Their 'playing' consists of running around in circles dancing to music, playing tug of war with one of his toys or playing fetch. One day recently, I tell her she only had two minutes left before bedtime. And she keeps running, saying "Hold on Mommy...we're still playing and we gotta keep going cause we're almost sweaty!" I guess that was the objective?

And yet another Bailey and Brooke story. She now likes to have Bailey as her potty partner. She insists on going potty by herself these days, only calling us in if she needs help, or to help her...uh....finish up. But all of the sudden, she wants Bailey to come in with her. And she is pretty insistent on where he stands, what he does, etc while she potties. So now, after sevaral days of this, Bailey has learned it's his job. When she tells him she wants to go potty, he runs into the bathroom with her, she closes the door behind him, and he immediately jumps onto the counter and lays down. (yes, he is a high jumping dog) It really is too funny. Then afterwards, she goes and gets him a treat for 'helping' her to go potty.

Here's a cute picture of her and Bailey...she loves him to sit in her lap and cuddle, kissing and hugging him the whole time.

More funnies....
She is really into months now. And knowing what month it is and whose birthday falls in what month. For instance, she knows that I am in January, she is in March, Daddy in August and so forth. She understands (I think) to some degree the seasons, the months, etc. It's really fascinating how her concept of time has developed. Along the same lines, she is becoming quite adept at reading the clock and the time, understanding Daddy comes home at 5 o'clock, we eat lunch at 12 o'clock, etc.
So, granted it is January....winter....and sort of cold. But yet, Brad still has to mow the lawn on a regular basis. Crazy living in the South right? As soon as he goes out with the lawn mower and Brooke realizes it, she must go help him of course!
And once when her and Daddy were outside during the recent beautiful weather, they were kicking and tossing a ball around the yard (once again playing with Bailey as well). When it came to be Daddy's turn, she yells out, "Daddy! It's ok...Take one for the team!" (no clue where she got that one?)

We took a trip to Office Max the other day looking for a small stand to put our printer on. So we were in the 'desk section'. She had tremendous fun running behind all the desks, pulling herself up to them and pounding on it with her fist, yelling (for everyone in the store to hear), "I'M THE JUDGE!" (where DOES she get this?)
Same trip, we are leaving the store, and I remind her as we enter the parking lot going to our car that she needs to be holding someone's hand. So...she holds her own hands. Not exactly what I meant, but made me laugh.
She is also becoming quite the computer expert. Both with her LeapFrog computer and the real computer. She not only can control the mouse and has learned the terminology (how to "X out" of something, etc), but is winning games on her LeapFrog computer. Just recently, we gave her very limited access to our computer to play a game on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse's website. Again, she did rather well and I think we have created a monster! (just kidding.....sort of.)
Another quite entertaining aspect of our daughter is that she is singing EVERYTHING! And not only real songs....that she is learning off her CD's or school or just general preschool songs, but songs that she makes up. (done to a sing-song tune) "Nooow, I'm brushing my teeeeth...and they are getting cleeean." It is so funny and really is quite entertaining to hear what she comes up with. Of course we are constantly amazed at the things she says, comes up with, etc.
Recently we asked her what she wanted to name the baby. Her response? "Mark." And she totally understands its a girl....she just wants to name the baby Mark. Ugh...we are seriously going to have to come up with a name soon! For her sake!
And what a sweet little child we have. While we have our frustrating moments now and again, I couldn't be happier with what a true sweetie she is becoming. She constantly compliments people on their clothes "I like your shirt" or "I like your lipstick". She is ever telling us she is our best friend, that she loves us soo much (with no prompting), and how beautiful or handsome we are. But perhaps the thing that really gets to me is how all of the sudden out of the blue, she will come up to me and ask if she can kiss the baby. Then she'll kiss my tummy, maybe pat my belly a time or two and comment how much she likes the baby. Really.....can they get any sweeter? Today she rested her hand on my belly waiting to feel a kick, then leaned over and whispered to me, "I hear her laughing in there!"


Megan said...

Oh my goodness! She is hilarious! The Bailey in the bathroom thing TOTALLY cracks me up!

Jennifer McHam said...

I can't believe how big Brooke is getting! THey grow up so fast! Congrats on another sweet baby GIRL!!! How are you feeling and doing?? Hugs to all of you!!