Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Emotions Running High

I ordered a couple movies and they came in the mail today - Cinderella II (since it's going into the vault) and Homeward Bound. I was really excited to watch Homeward Bound with Brooke. As much as she likes animals, etc. And it's such a cute, sweet story. Anyway, after dinner tonight, we popped it in since she hadn't watched any TV the last day or two. And I can't believe how emotional she was!!! I NEVER would've dreamed she would've gotten so emotional - good and bad. You know (if you've seen the movie) there are a couple parts where the dogs/cat are outrunning a cougar or they fall in a hole, the cat is floating down the river frantic, etc. During those parts, she had tears in her eyes!!! Asking the whole time - 'But what's going to happen to the kitty cat?' Oh my gosh! It just mad me want to cry! And then at the end....she cried! Like, good tears. You know when they all find their way home? She had the biggest smile on her face when the dog came over the hill and a few tears streaming down her face. My sweet little sensitive girl... Of course, Brad was right there with her with tears in his eyes too! Guess she gets it from him.
I feel kinda bad now letting her watch it...if I had known she would be so emotional over it.....wow.

1 comment:

Julia said...

Dominic is just now getting into "movies" but they really have to be about something he is interested in. He has been watching Pinocchio alot (but I forward the pleasure island scene because it freaks ME out, and I can't really explain why those boys go crazy and turn into donkeys!) But yesterday he told me "Mommy, Pinnochio got a present. He got a conscience, from the fairy, so he could be a real boy." I was like "Whoa!" It's so wonderful to watch them growing, isn't iT??!