Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ultrasound pic, 80% sure - IT'S A.........


I realize the above picture probably means nothing to any of you (it's hard for me to see anything either), but I had to post it anyway. It is showing it's a girl. You are looking at a view from underneath. The 2 things on the left are the legs/feet and the other on the right is the bottom, so it's supposedly showing a line there showing it's a girl. The tech says this view is showing it's a girl, but usually she likes to see the 'proof' from different angles to confirm it. And this little baby girl didn't want to wake up or move so this is the only view we got. However, I am only 17 wks today and really only had an ultrasound to check on the cyst. My normal ultrasound to check the sex would be at 20 wks, so I will still get another one at the end of December to check organs, etc and she will confirm that it's a girl then.

So, we are pretty happy to have another little girl coming into our lives. And think Brooke will really enjoy having a sister. And this way we get a chance to get some more use out of all those hairbows! Though I did already give away Brooke's baby clothes (DOH!), it'll be nice to get a second go-round with all her baby dolls and girl toys.

Brad says he 'knew' it was a girl and Brooke always insisted it was a girl, so now it's almost official. Now we'll have to start thinking of some "B" girl names! :)

In other news, the cyst is definitely smaller, so that's good news. Heartburn is killing me. So much earlier this time. The morning sickness is finally subsiding a bit, though I still have moments. I am still pretty tired a lot of the time. My belly is ever-expanding, though I think I just look fat. Although, actually I have only gained a pound since the start of this pregnancy. Here's the latest pic of my belly at 17 wks:

And from Babycenter, an update on the baby -

How your baby's growing:Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and he's around 5 inches long. He can move his joints, and his skeleton — until now rubbery cartilage — is starting to harden to bone. His sense of hearing is also developing. The umbilical cord, his lifeline to the placenta, is growing stronger and thicker.

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