Thursday, December 13, 2007

Art work...

I never really know what to do with all Brooke's art work that she works so hard on in school and brings home. I am so very proud of her and know how personalized it is, especially some of the 'harder' projects, but yet I am at a loss of what to do with it? I kept some of the smaller things in a folder from last year. But this year it is getting to be bigger and bigger and they don't all go in a 3 ring binder. So with some helpful advice, I finally decided I could let it go if I took a picture of her with it first. So below, you will find her most recent work in the pics of her showing off her projects.

First, this is her 'friends' at church. Notice the extra person she had to glue on at the end? That was the Pastor. :) This is hard to see in the picture, but this is her representation of painting our family. And I must say this was one of the 'harder' projects for her. You will perhaps be able to notice underneath all the painting are 4 yellow circles. Those were glued on and each represents a member of the family....Daddy, Mommy, Brooke, and she even remembered to include the baby in Mommy's tummy (on her own). This project was more difficult for her because it was her first willingness participation in painting. She does not like to paint. At all! Not with brushes, sponges, but especially with fingers and hands. I think it's just too messy for her? Anyway, so I was super-proud that she participated and painted her picture of her family so well!
And lastly, her Christmas tree that she created. Once again, she is getting better with the painting. She painted her tree green and glued small 'ornaments' on the tree. She's getting better! However, today at school, she would not do her handprint in paint. Couldn't quite go that far...yet.

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