Sunday, October 7, 2007

Our Garage Sale....

So yesterday we finally had our BIG garage sale. We've been cleaning out our house for what seems like forever! Probably the last two or three months anyway. We have almost completely cleaned out Brooke's future room. She will be moving to a new room and the baby will get the 'baby' room. In the process, we cleaned every nook, every corner, every closet, every space, every shelf, everything. Our garage was literally packed with stuff and we had more to pull out the morning of from inside the house. We started bright and early at 7am. Fortunate for us, my dad was kind enough to drive over and help. Even if his help was watching Brooke, fetching us lunch, or handing out bags, it was a HUGE help! So the three of us worked from 5:30am till probably 3:oo in the afternoon before calling it a day and bringing in the leftovers. We cleaned up and put up. And THEN we counted our money. Now...we've had garage sales in the past. Usually raking in $200, $300, maybe $400 for a good sale. And I knew we had a lot of stuff and some 'high dollar' stuff, but never would I have dreamed how much we really did make. Are you sitting down? ---------------- $1,121.40!!!!!!! Can you believe it?!?!?! I can't! And then we tacked on an additional $24 after selling the leftover books at 1/2 Price Books.
Really I am still in shock on the amount we brought in. Even a day later, I still can't believe it. And really I do have to give a lot of credit to my husband who was able to let go of a lot of stuff he has kept for years. A lot of books he parted with and some sentimentals. But overall, we both made some sacrifices, as we will continue to make for the new baby.

So, we talked about what to use the money for. We could use it to help with fixing up/painting Brooke's new room. We could use it for Christmas gifts. We could spend some on ourselves - I sure could use a pedicure and a hair cut. But in the end we decided to save every penny. That's right. We are being responsible adults and saving. Since we lose a substantial part of our income in March, we are going to hang onto the money until then. We talked of even taking out a little cash to spend, but in the end we will be saving all of it. We think this is really the best thing to do and afterall, it was all 'unexpected' money. So big pat on the back for us - for doing so well and being responsible!

In other news, I have really been faced with some 'morning' sickness. Though I'm not sure why they call it morning sickness since it seems to last all day and every day. Anyway, while I haven't actually thrown up once, I feel like I could at any minute. Then today I was faced with a dehabilitating migraine headache. It's one of the lovely pregnancy symptoms that I suffer. I never had a migraine till I was pregnant with Brooke. Then I developed them often. After I had her, they subsided to just every couple months or so and now they are back with full vengeance! Ugh. It is so frustrating because really there is nothing I can do besides lay in a cool dark room till in passes. And I am unable to sleep through it. And since migraines make me nauseas, that feeling on top of the already present 'morning' sickness is just making the day full of fun. On the bright side of things though, I am very fortunate that this happened to me today (on a Sunday) when Brad is home and able to help with Brooke and where he (or I) don't have to miss work. I pray that I will continue to be so fortunate throughout this pregnancy.

And don't get me wrong, I don't mean to be a downer. I am very happy about this pregnancy and being able to actual 'feel' pregnant. But along with that, comes the daunting more unpleasureable aspects, including the fatigue that is so extensive I cannot even begin to describe it. Oh...that and the fact that my sickness apparently gets worse if I DON'T eat so I have already packed on a whopping 5 lbs. Oh joy.

Also, I am excited to finally get to the doctor at the end of this week. It seems like FOREVER! But I will be thankful when I can finally see that little baby's heartbeat to know he or she is doing good inside there!

And one funny Brooke story before I go. She has been such an angel lately really. (knock on wood!) With all that she has to endure - me being a big lazy sick pregnant person, not having anyone to play with, not being able to go to playdates, etc. - on tope of all this, I couldn't ask for a more patient child. She has learned to play with Mommy, while I can sit and rest. She has learned to play by herself well and doesn't complain a bit. So I just want to give a big kudos to her! Anyway, back to the cute story.....yesterday she was playing with her Cinderella and Little Mermaid doll. They were 'talking' to each other. So Cinderella (in Brooke's voice of course) says..."Little Mermaid, look around! LOOK AROUND! Look at this beautiful day God has made for us! Did you wanna say 'thank you God' Little Mermaid?"
Simple but sweet I thought. And she had no idea I was listening in on their conversation.

1 comment:

Jennifer McHam said...

YAY! on the garage sale & HOW SWEET about Brooke!!! :)