Friday, September 28, 2007

Little Graduate and The Many Faces of Brooke

Lately we have been cleaning out our house. You may call it Spring cleaning (in the Fall) trying to make room for baby! We have cleaned out every closet, every shelve, every corner of every inch of our house and will be having a rather large garage sale soon. In the midst of all this cleaning, I came across my graduation souvenirs from high school and college (well besides my diploma anyway) - my graduation hats. Brooke insisted on trying them on and I think she may be the youngest 'graduate'. I think she looks rather cute myself. And even though I kept trying to convince her that the black one (from college) was much better, she didn't buy it and insisted the green one (from high school) was her favorite. Then as we decided to take a picture for posperity, she decided to show the camera what we call "The Many Faces of Brooke". And yet, I still think we are missing a few of her 'faces'.

In other news, I have been rather sick lately. Just with cold-like symptoms, but being pregnant I am already pretty worn down so it has really thrown me for a loop. Especially because I don't want to take anything so early on in the pregnancy. I am just a freak like that and like to be super safe. I've been trying to rest as much as possible and have had to miss work, but I think I may be starting to feel a little better. Just still real tired and still coughing quite a bit. Luckily I am the only one sick though. It would be much worse if Brooke were sick so I am thankful she is well.

1 comment:

Jennifer McHam said...

That is so funny - (Well not really but you'll see - ) I got a raging sinus infection at the VERY beginning of each pregnancy. The 2 worst of my life. When I got the 2nd one I thought "Hmm, I must be pregnant!" and sure 'nuf!!! It must just be the depressed immune system - But I used to tell myself As long as I'm feeling crummy everything must be going just fine! :) HA!