Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Harry Potter - I finally did it

This post has nothing to do with our family, but I wanted to stop to mention that I finally jumped on the bandwagon and read the entire series of Harry Potter. I, in fact, just finished the last book. Now I went in to this very stubbornly. I really disliked these kind of stories - fantasy, wizadry, etc. But I figured I would read the first book because if nothing else, I realized that these novels would be a part of literary history. So I read the first book sevaral weeks ago and after I got past the first few chapters and was able to wrap my mind around the fantasy aspect, I did really enjoy it. It's just like a soap opera really...made for children. So, I read the second one, and the third, and so on. Now I am officially a Harry Potter fan. Though I am not a "fanatic" - there is a difference. I enjoyed reading the books, mainly just to see what happens (like I said..it's like a soap opera with magic). And I have also seen all the movies to date that have been released. I was able to catch the newest one at the theater a few weeks ago (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix). I am now patiently awaiting the release of the last two, hopefully before the actor who portrays Harry turns 30! Now, I don't want to give away any story lines, ruin endings, or write out a spoiler, so I won't discuss the aspects of the book. But I was impressed with her writing, though there were definite parts I would change, edit, or shorten. My favorite books out of the series were the first one (The Sorceror's Stone), and the 3rd (Prisoner of Azkaban), as well as the 5th (Order of the Phoenix). But overall, it was a good series. And if anybody would like to borrow my copies of any of the books, please ask away!


Rebecca said...

I would love to borrow the books at some point in time...I'm like you...haven't read any of them and now feel like I should *grin*

Erin said...

It was only a matter of time before you jumped on the bandwagon, LOL! Glad you enjoyed them!