Sunday, August 5, 2007

Meeshka, Mooska, Bubbles!!!

Anybody watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse? Well, to make the clubhouse appear, you have to say the magic words - Meeshka, Mooska, Mickey MOUSE! So Brooke thinks to make the bubbles appear, you have to say the magic words - Meeshka, Mooska, BUBBLES! It's pretty cute actually. Every time we go outside, she loves to have the bubble machine turned on so her and Bailey can chase bubbles. I swear she gets the biggest kick out of it. Who knows why?
So, as you can tell, she is over her sickness. It lasted two full days. But by today, she was much better...pretty much eating back to normal and everything. Still a little lethargic, but for the most part, she was feeling pretty good today. And bubbles always get her in a good mood!

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