Friday, February 28, 2014

Spelling Bee

Because Brooke was part of the UIL spelling group back in the Fall, she also got to participate in the (eventual) state wide spelling bee.  The winner at our school goes on, the winner there goes on, the winner there goes on and so forth.  Now.  Granted....  they group everyone together.  So Brooke (in 3rd grade) is competing against 8th graders.  The words are appropriate for up to 8th grade.  *I* didn't even know what some of the words were.  So we really didn't expect her to win - even at her school level, where she was against 5th graders.  But it was good for experience.  This was an out loud spelling bee, as opposed to the writing one so a little more intimidating too.

But I was sooooo sooooooooo proud of her!!!  She did phenomenal!  They started on one side (randomly given an order), kids spelled a word.  If they got it right, they stayed.  If they missed, they were out.  After going through one round, they started over at the beginning.  The words got increasingly harder.  Most made it through round 1.  They dropped like flies starting in round 2.  By round 3, even more were out.  Round 4 left only 10.  Brooke made it all the way to round 4!!!!!  Meaning, she was out after that, before round 5.  Round 5 there were only 5 kids left.  5.  Started with 30 or so maybe?  Not sure.  But I was quite impressed.  She was one of the last 3rd graders still standing.  So awesome.

Look at those empty seats!  Brooke remaining!

The word she ended up missing was exorcism.  She spelling it E-X-O-R-S-I-S-M.  But regardless...I was so stinkin proud of her!  For making it as far as she did.  She was up there left remaining with all 4th and 5th graders -when there were only about 10 left.  And after her round, like I said, only 5 remained.  Great job Brooke!  Proud of my little speller.  :)

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