Friday, February 28, 2014

Kindergarten Awards

The same day as the spelling bee was Kindergarten 1st semester awards.  Brenna received the Super Reader award.  She is really coming along with her reader and is definitely one of the best readers in her class!  Proud momma here!  :)

We've been really working with her at home a lot more lately.  She's more receptive now.  She was reading well at the age of THREE!  But then she spent a year at a non encouraging school.  In fact, that puts it mildly.  They actually discouraged her from reading, told her she was too young and couldn't do it.  Yea.  So for the whole NEXT year, we spent at a great loving preschool who just spent time building her back up.  But she never wanted to read again.  She just kept saying she couldn't.  Arg!  We gave it time and let it go.  And now in Kindergarten, we're encouraging her again.  We've borrowed a great book from a friend (this link will take you to a newer version if you're interested - its a GREAT book and a fabulous tool wherever your child is at in the learning to read process), which really helps her be ok with sounding out words out loud (before she was embarrassed).  She enjoys this book ok, but knows its part of our regimen daily.  Here's a video of her reading a short story out of it at home...

The good thing is that she is picking it right back up and in her brain still remembers everything from before.  Its just bringing it back out now and her knowing that its ok to do this.  Proud of my super reader!!!

With one of her BFFs after the awards..

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