Thursday, August 25, 2011


Today was the day that Brenna started school at Traditions Montessori. This is the same building that she went to school last year, with Ms Lydia, but since Lydia's retirement, a new group of Montessori teachers started up a new school in this building. We are so fortunate that someone came along to try to fill the void and that Brenna can keep along the (hopefully) same path she was going when she left Lydia's. And we are super excited Lydia will still be coming in to teach reading 2x/week!

This year, she had to have a backpack and lunchbox. So here's the big kid, ready for her first day of school!

I was so impressed with her writing! I had her sit down and asked her, while I was prepping my camera, if she could write a "P", thinking I'd come along later and fix it. ;) When I turned back around, I didn't have to fix it! So I let her keep going, telling her what letter to write next! She did this all on her own. Makes a mama proud!

So, after we dropped Brooke off at her school, we headed over to Brenna's! I think she knows that the teachers would be different, but I'm not sure that she really 'gets it'. Its hard when she's in the same place, but with different things and people. So we'll see. Here's the 1st grader and the preschooler...

Here's some pics from drop-off this morning...

I'm sure she'll do fabulous - she is a good adapter. Can't wait to hear how her day went! :)

Edited to add - I just picked her up and had to PRY her away! Guess that's a good sign. This was where she was when I walked in...

And she reports a great day! Here we are the rain!!! :)

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