Sunday, June 15, 2014

Brenna's birthday

Brenna's birthday was back, April 26.  She turned the big "6" and she was so excited when her birthday came around.  And while most people would enjoy having their birthday on a Saturday, Brenna would've preferred hers to be during the week!  To be able to truly celebrate her birthday at school ON her birthday.  But, we celebrated nonetheless.  More on that later...

Brenna is a spunky little girl. She is quick witted.  She always always ALWAYS makes us laugh.  She is the kind of kid that you can be so mad at her one minute for something she's done and you're trying to get her in trouble, but you can't contain the laughter at whatever she's doing or acting like now.  She gets the dry humor...she even has some of her own, inside jokes.  I could have pages and pages of Brenna-isms, if only had the ability to jot everything down she says when it happens.

This picture is SO Brenna...

Brenna is also very smart.  And for a while she had slacked up on reading, not of her own demise, but because of a setback at a certain preschool I won't mention.  We got a lot of "I can't's" from her for a long while, even though she started reading, really reading!, at age 3.  However, throughout her Kindergarten year, she turned the "I can't" to "I want to!" and she blossomed.  She is reading more than ever now and is reading so well.  She loves to write though.  That might be her favorite thing.  And she seems to have quite a knack for math as well.  We'll see....

Brenna is our little fish.  She LOVES to be in the water.  But not just IN the water, she loves to be UNDER the water.  If she could live underwater, she probably would.  Serious.  She's not a graceful a swimmer as Brooke might be, but she is more efficient.  If Brenna panics in the water, instead of slashing around, she puts her head in and just goes.  However, get water in her eyes, and its all over.  She has to have goggles.  Hoping this is just a phase.  ;)

She plays softball some and is ok at it...of course, its hard to judge because she is just now the age that Brooke was when she started.  So if you think of it from those terms, she has got quite a leg up.  She is much more aggressive and assertive and if she ever gets the true desire that Brooke has with regard to sports, she could be quite the athlete I believe.

Brenna is also the sweet cuddly kid.  She loves warm hugs!  :P  She really does.  She likes to snuggle up in bed and read a book with you, she likes to hug people and she is genuinely thoughtful.  I love that about her, more than anything.

She keeps us on our toes and will probably give us gray hair, but our lives would not be the same without her - she is such a sweet sweet kid who makes us laugh daily!  Love her!

So, because her birthday fell on a Saturday, we celebrated on a couple of different occasions.  First time was at her softball game, the Thursday before....her team was the Lightning Bugs, so I got little bug cupcakes.  Ok, I know, I know...they are really bees.  But I thought it was cute b/c it was her team colors too!

Then, the very next day was the Friday before her birthday so we celebrated at school.  She didn't want anything in particular for her cake or cupcakes, so I chose this butterfly as it was cute and colorful and reminded me of Brenna and her love of bugs.  

When we got home, after school, we let her open her presents from us, just the little things.  She forwent a party as well in lieu of wanting a trip to Toys R Us to spend her bday money.  Deal.  Which would come later and unfortunately I took no pictures.  She had a blast...not so much with the things she got, but just going through the store and picking up things to get!  Like a fun shopping spree!  Anyway, but we got her a few little things just from us...

We did all this the day before, because the following day (her actual birthday) we were headed out of town for a softball tournament - her first and only one she would play in.  We also took a cookie cake with us to celebrate with the tournament team as well.  

When we had a break for lunch, of course we took her to her favorite all time place to eat - Whataburger!  Seriously...this kid loves Whataburger.  Need a gift idea?  Whataburger gift card.  :P

That evening we took her out to eat at Olive Garden where they sang to her and she got a fancy dessert there too! 

The hotel we stayed for the tournament we were sure to get one with a pool so she could swim on her bday.  Consolation prize for having to be at a softball tournament on her birthday - a nice hotel.  :)

And the following week, we celebrated her birthday at bible study as well...  she got new boots from Sammy that she loved and had to wear right away! and lots of other presents and cake.  

She told them she wanted a cake with a cheetah and a tiger, etc.  :P

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