Wednesday, June 18, 2014

10 years!

Missed posting about the girls birthdays, but also missed posting about Brad and I's 10 year anniversary!!  That's quite a milestone, right?!

Well, have no fear...I did not let it go by without recognition in our daily lives.  Quite the opposite.  10 years happened to fall on the Friday night before Opening Ceremonies with softball.  I knew I wanted to do something special.  So my plan was to do a surprise get away to the place we were married at for a night.  I couldn't very well do that the weekend of opening ceremonies and miss all that hoo-rah.  So I planned it a week before...which happened to be Spring Break.  The girls could easily spend the night with family and Brad had enough time to take off for sure.

So way ahead of time, I had this planned, but didn't tell him.  I called his coworkers and schedule him off for three days....all unbeknown to him.  I reserved our room, made plans for the girls and did all the packing secretly.  I also bought him a gift (of tin - for 10 years) but more on that later.

The day of our departure came.  The night before I told him I scheduled him off work but only because I would've felt bad had he got up at the crack of dawn for no reason.  I told him that his mom was going to watch the girls while we had a date day - lunch and a movie or something.  I had dropped the girls overnight things with his mom way ahead of time, again, unknown to him.  So we slept in a bit, then took the girls over for their 'day' with Sammy (even they didn't know till after they were there....couldn't have them spilling the beans ;) ).  We went to a movie and a late lunch, which was nice.

He was driving, so after lunch, I told him, lets just drive out this way and see what's popping up over here (there's been lots of development - new restaurants and such - so it wasn't a hard sell.  He kept driving and I was telling him, "oh, turn here!  let's see what's over here"...all the while navigating him to the place we were married.

By the time we were ON the road of the bed and breakfast place, he told me later he kinda knew we were going to do a drive by there just to see the old place.  Still no idea we were STAYING there.

So we pull in and I direct him around the the cabin we were staying at.  France (they are themed)  I have him park and I jump out to 'walk around' and see it.  He starts panicking...."Brandy, the light is on!  That means someone must be staying there".  You see at this place, you never really 'check in'.  The leave the key hanging in a secret place they tell you about ahead of time and you just go right in.

So then I walk up to the door.  Of course, *I* know we are staying here.  He does not.  He thinks I've lost my mind.  Hee hee...  I peek in the window of the door, he's back at the car, and I start motioning him to come on, come check it out!  He hesitates.  Then I find the key on the tree and show him it dangling, like 'look at this!  We can go inside!  Come on!  How fun!  We'll be sneaky!'  He is really thinking I've lost my mind now.  He slowly gets out at my coercion and as he's slowly hesitantly walking up, I tell him...."Oh!  Before you come, can you get our bags out of the back?"  (he did not realize our bags were in the back either)  That's when he starts to 'get it'.  And was so super surprised!  I LOVED IT!  Haha...

Anyway, so we stayed the night there, reminiscing and playing with his new tin (ok...metal?) iPad I got him for our anniversary.

The chapel in the back is where we were married...

The rest of the France cabin where we stayed...

We had a cat join us in the middle of the night too!  Random.  

We enjoyed our time away and seeing again the place where it all started...  it was a great little getaway!

And meanwhile, our kids were great.  It was kinda nice though to get texts from Brenna about how much she missed us.  My sweet girl.  :)

If you can't read text speak from a 5 year old, it reads...

Brenna: I love you
Me:  I love you too.  Miss you!  (heart, kiss face)
Brenna: I miss you too lots and lots too (heart face, kiss face, happy face)
Me: Are you having fun?
Brenna: No not without you (sad teary face)
Me (teary face) You are too sweet

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