Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hodge Podge

Random-ness.  That's what this post will be.  Just go with it.  :)

Brooke enjoying reading by the fire (we've had our fair share of coooold this winter for sure! - more on that later ;) )

Finally invested in a batting helmet for Brenna.  She insisted on wearing it home... 

Brooke wanted her hair super duper curly one day.  So I obliged.  Rather cute, eh?

Nothing better than watching your children sleep I do believe...

Brooke and one of her softball buddies, Alex, showed up to practice as twinkles one day -

And aren't these two cute???

Brenna hanging out on a fireplace rack outside of Buccees - ha!

And then sometimes, she likes to look like a thug?

Meanwhile, Brooke looking all trendy one morning before school....

Brooke sharing some of her American Girl doll clothes with Brenna so they can all match - 

My first 'baby'

Teenager in the making?

And I'll end the random-ness with more sleeping children...

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