Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Florida trip, day 9 and 10 - coming home

So after a fun-filled week, it was.... *sniff sniff*..... time to head home.  After we got all packed up and checked out of our room, we made a last stop at the World of Disney store in Downtown Disney. Got a lot of shopping in, bought some Christmas presents, and lots of souvenirs.

(don't worry - we didn't get the humongous Stitch)

We left and decided to hit the road and just stop somewhere quick to eat lunch.  Brad was trying to find an unusual or different fast food type place.  Kids just wanted McD's.  Then we randomly took an exit marked for a McD's and happened to come up to the world's largest and most unique McDonald's.  It was amazing!

So you walk in and can order ANYthing.  Literally.  They have gourmet food that their 'cafe' prepares, they have regular McD's food, they have pizzas and pastas, they have sandwiches and salads, they have enchiladas and gourmet  desserts, and the list goes on and on and on...  So much to choose from.

The girls picked to have typical McD's food (boring!).  Brad chose an enchilada something or other and a I had a buffalo ranch chicken sandwich.  All of it was soooo good.  

Then afterwards, you go upstairs and the play area is way more than just that.  It was like Chuckee Cheese play area!  HUGE!  Everything from a playscape to video games to arcade style games.  We didn't stay and play but just went up to check it all out.  

Even the bathrooms were fancy!  The toilets had mechanical replacing protector sheets that came out and replaced the last one every time the toilet flushed.  I'm telling ya - it was cool.  

Ok, enough w McDonald's right?  So anyway.....we headed out (this was still in fact, it was just outside Orlando) and made it all the way to Alabama by nighttime.  The girls crashed hard in the car.  Staying up till 1 in the morning is tough stuff.  

At our hotel, we got a free night's stay (thanks to Club Carlson) where the weather was getting colder!!!  

The next morning we were off and would be home by that evening.  

When we got home, we found our cheery friend, Chris had made it back in time to do some shenanigans before Christmas.  The girls were excited to see him and the dogs and all in all we were a little glad to be home, but honestly, were a lot sad to not still be at such a magical place.  

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