Thursday, October 6, 2011

Space Captain Brenna

At Brenna's school, they just finished a unit on space - as in, the planets, astronauts, etc. As part of that, they all built astronaut suits. Yesterday, Brenna got to bring her suit home. Isn't it the craftiest thing ever? Pretty cool, eh? It fits on like a backpack and it even has tubing attached as a 'breathing tube'. :) The stickers are all the different planets they've been talking about as decoration.

In somewhat related news, she is allll over reading and writing. I shared her reading video the other day. But every single day, every single spare minute she has, she is reading or writing on her own.

The other day before going to school, she had 5 extra minutes after finishing breakfast, before we had to leave and while I was still getting lunches ready. So she spent that time and ran back to the study, got a sticky note, and completely unprompted and unassisted, brought me back this note...

Which says "cat", of course. ;) I think its, 1) pretty darn good handwriting for a 3 year old! and 2) pretty amazing that she not only wrote well and legibly, she also spelled out the word 'cat' completely on her own (and on purpose). Awesome, no?

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