Friday, March 7, 2008

Brenna's first pictures

We had our 4D ultrasound today. It was a bit disappointing. We had to wait a while and I was trying to keep her quiet (still) by me moving around a bunch till we got back to the sono room. I thought they might need her to be moving around and I know as soon as I sit still is when she gets most active. So, for the whole time we were waiting I was trying to not be too still.

Well, it didn't matter much. Come to find out, the placenta was shading the baby to the point that the pictures are not real clear at all. Brooke's were a little better back in the day, but we had to give it a shot. So, here's the best they could do:

She smiled! Really! We saw it!.....

Profile view - she was chewing on her hand (Brooke thought that was hilarious!).....

Another smile?

So, Brad thinks the pics are a little zombie-ish and honestly, I was a bit disappointed, but I can still see our sweet little angel. (oh...and she didn't charge us the full amt since the pics didn't turn out so good) And honestly, yes I promise, I can already see differences b/w her and Brooke (I remember Brooke's 4D like it was yesterday). I could also really tell how these two sisters are going to be different in personality. May sound wierd, but Brooke slept a lot in womb and when she kicked it was big and huge kicks, but they were sporadic and spaced out. She came out shy, quiet, girly girl, observant. Brenna, on the other hand makes small little movements all the time. All day long. On the video, she is even more active than Brooke was. Chewing on her hand, turning her head around, swallowing a lot, moving her mouth around, etc. So, are we in for a wild one here? ;) I can really tell the differences in their movements and seeing it even makes it more real if that makes sense. And I really could've cried in joy on the table. It's so fun/miraculous/wonderful to be able to 'see' your baby. No matter how blurry the pics are. The movements and images are forever etched in my brain. I don't know...I know some people don't get all gushy about ultrasounds, but to me it's a great feeling to be able to see what's going on in there. I feel a closeness to this baby for sure, but when I get to see her, it just makes it all the more astonishing.

We also got video on VHS, or so we thought.....but then the tech realized she forgot to hit record! AAAAAHHHHH! The video would've been great too because you could really see her smiling and chewing/sucking on her hand. Anyway, she did record some after she realized her mistake, but then of course it wasn't as good 'footage'.

In other news, Brenna is definitely a GIRL! We got more confirmation today, so that was a sigh of relief - since we already have lots of pink! Also, she weighs 3.2 lbs, amniotic fluid level was good, and she is measuring anywhere from 31-32 weeks along (which by the books, I am really at 30 wks!). One of the labels on the printout showed the babys due date (based only on the ultrasound and baby's measurements) showed a due date of April 30! (and my real due date is supposed to be May 15). Hmmm.......

I've been having contractions a lot lately. At first I chalked them up to Braxton-Hicks, but last nite, they got pretty intense and lasted regularly for a long time. I was really close and wondering if I should call my OB, but decided to wait it out. THey did eventually go away, but it's something to monitor. They told me today if it happens like that again to lay down, drink water and if they don't go away to call just in case. Hopefully she stays where she's at for a while.

Also, she is breech. The tech said she still has time and room to turn but it doesn't matter much since I'm up for a Csection anyway. I pretty much knew it. I have felt her soooo low this whole pregnancy so I figured that was her feet down there kicking away and the reason why I don't feel too much movement up high. I've also been describing the one big lump in my upper-stomach as either her head or bottom, so now I's her head. I like to say, she likes to be closer to my heart. :)

PS - For perspective, if you're interested, you can click the link below to see one of Brooke's 4D pic

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