Friday, January 25, 2008

Pregnancy Update - 6 Months!

Yes...officially, I'm 24 weeks pregnant, as of yesterday. But doesn't six months sound so much further along? :) It does to me anyway and a couple days ago, it just clicked with me that I'm six months pregnant! Yikes! That makes it sound like that much closer. Anyway, I went to my checkup today with my OB and everything was ok! Measuring good, blood pressure still ok for now, heartbeat sounded good and strong - about 144 beats/min. I got my glucola drink to drink before my next appt (at 28 wks) to test for gestational diabetes. I also went ahead and scheduled my 4D Ultrasound. It's a much clearer picture of the baby in color with 3D-like images. So neat! We did it with Brooke, here's a picture of her if you're curious:

So, otherwise, I'm feeling ok. My tailbone still hurts regularly, but doesn't seem to be AS bad as before, so I'm coping. My OB didn't have much to recommend unless I want to see a chiropractor or physical therapist. She did give me a couple referrals so we'll see how it goes. The heartburn is still pretty bad and it even caused me to be sick a couple times. I've always said that I get heartburn so bad it feels like I'm going to throw up, I have a couple times. Fun. Anyway, she also gave me the ok to take Zantac (150) twice a day on a regular basis to try to prevent it, as well as Rolaids, etc on top of that if it still flares up. She said if it bothers me beyond that, they can give me a prescription for Nexium or the like. Again, we'll see how it goes I guess.

But....NoName Baby is moving around ALL the time now. Kicking, punching, dancing, doing karate...I don't know. But I feel it like crazy and that is so so so fun! Sometimes I will just sit and 'feel'. I can't think of a better part of being pregnant. And now, that I've been through it before, I realize that all too soon this will just be a memory so I am trying to soak up every possible minute of it and engrave it into my brain. Brad has felt her a few times as well and you can even see the bulge in my belly jump out occassionally. So neat! What does surprise me is how LOW this baby feels. I don't seem to remember that with Brooke. Maybe the kicks start feeling higher the further along I get? I don't know. Dr says that when I went in today, the baby was breech and that could be the reason. She says she still has room to turn around, roll over, etc but maybe she is just liking that position. We'll see I guess. And speaking of Brooke, she has tried a couple times to feel the baby move, but unfortunately doesn't really want to sit still long enough. However, she says she has felt her and has even heard her burp and laugh. Haha! Also, the baby is most active in the evenings and since Brooke is usually in bath/bed by 8 or 8:30, she misses out. Soon enough though I know!

And for those interested, here is what Babycenter says about this stage of pregnancy:

How your baby's growing: Your baby's growing steadily, gaining about a quarter of a pound since last week, when she was just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), that makes a pretty lean figure, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon put on more baby fat. Your baby's skin is thin, translucent, and wrinkled, her brain is growing rapidly, and her taste buds are developing. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" and cells that produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate easily.

Also, a new belly shot. I feel so huge already. Of course good news is I have only gained 2-3 total lbs since getting pregnant!!! Go me! Though, like I said, I feel huge! Again, since I've been this route before, trust me....I know I can, and will, get much much bigger. But I also don't remember the difficulty in moving/getting up/etc this early with Brooke. Maybe because I work at a preschool so I'm up and down a lot more, it seems more prevalent. But it is definitely a chore to get up off the floor these days. LOL And again, I have to remember, "this early" really isn't that early. Six months! May will be here before we know it!

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