Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas - Part Four


So, sometime during the night, Santa came. He was very good to our family. We have been so fortunate this year to have good health, a lovely house, food to eat, and the blessings of one beautiful child and another one on the way! We are so thankful to God for what He has done for our family and for sending His son for us. What more can a person ask for after all?

That being said, we started off with a great morning. As Brooke came around the corner, she saw a stack of presents surrounding the BIG black bear she asked Santa for. She saw all of our stockings filled and snowy footprints that Santa left!!! She noticed the reindeer ate ALL of the goldfish and that Santa must've liked his Christmas tree cookies. But the funniest thing to her was that Santa had knocked over his glass of water. Haha! :)
Before we let any presents be opened though, we pulled out the bday cake for Jesus, we all sang 'Happy Birthday' to Jesus, and Brooke got to blow out His candle. Then we all had birthday cake for breakfast! Hey..it only happens once a year right?

After the gifts were opened, our living room looked like a tornado had blown through. We picked up the trash, but the gifts are still scattered a bit. She most enjoyed her black bear, but is also REALLY liking her new LeapFrog computer - which by the way, is really cool. Santa also gave her a travel aquadoodle, a Cinderella felt board, Candyland castle game, some big sister books (how did he know???), and a new back pack and lunch sack for school. Besides the computer, from Mommy and Daddy she got a letter-stringing bead 'game' and a Cabbage Patch Lil Sprout doll. The whole time though she enjoyed eating her goldfish and Teddy Grahams that Santa left in her stocking.
As for us, well, Brad surprised me with some things off my wishlist. Some things including a new supply of my Clinique makeup, some pajamas I've been eyeing, a couple of Wii games I wanted, an apple trivet basket I've wanted FOREVER! as well as some other goodies. But my biggest surprise was a new lens for my Canon Digital SLR - it's a bigger zoom lens I've been wanting!!!

Brad got some things off his wishlist as well - a real popcorn maker (that he wanted), a carousel to hold his coffee, a Craftsman magnetic tray, a pic set, a maglite LED, and a few Wii games for himself. He was surprised by a Craftsmas portable blower/vacuum, and a table saw (hidden behind our couch).
And of course, Santa didn't forget Bailey - he got some new treats in his stocking! :)

Anyway, so later morning/early afternoon, PaPoo (my dad) came over to continue our Christmas day celebration. Brooke was soooo excited to show him all her presents, esp her black bear! And also so excited to show him the leftover remnants of Santa's snowy footprints. She wouldn't let anyone step on them so they would last! :) Then PaPoo was kind enough to fix a traditional Christmas dinner and we had a small gift exchange with him. It was a nice day. What excitment as the morning started. Then we slowed it down and had a nice relaxing beautiful Christmas day.

I can't express into words how thankful we are to have received such blessings in our life. I won't even try...but on days like today, I can't help to take the time to remember how fortunate we really are despite our small daily struggles. To have a beautiful family, a caring and supportive extended family, and the gift of healthy lives....we really are blessed. So Merry Christmas to all! Now...enjoy the pictures from our day today!

Before Brooke arrived in the living room - this is what was out...
And as she came in and saw all her presents including the black bear, the snowy footprints, the knocked over glass of water with cookies gone, and the stockings filled up...
The 'snow' in the fireplace, empty plate of cookies and goldfish, knocked over water glass...
Blowing out Jesus' birthday candle...
A breakfast of champions - birthday cake...
Digging down deep into her stocking...
Opening Santa's presents...

The black bear is her favorite present...

Watching Daddy open his present...
The 'secret' present for Daddy hidden behind the couch...
A big surprise for Daddy...
Playing on her new LeapFrog computer...
Showing PaPoo all her presents...

Dinner with PaPoo...

Opening presents from PaPoo...

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