Last weeks theme for the younger age group was Fairies and Castles, while the older group's theme was Medieval Times (similar but trying to make it 'cool' for the big kids ;) ). They got to make wands and dragons and castles out of clay, they learned about DaVinci and Michealangelo and more. Of course there was a tie dye day where they got to tie dye a Tshirt. I just love these teachers and what they do for our kids. So. much. fun.
sculpting her castle (to paint later)...
coloring her shield...
Brenna's finished sculpted dragon (to paint and fire later)....
These pictures downloaded from my FB page where the art teacher had posted them. Love her for sharing the joy!
She has a pet nutria. (aka - river rat) The kids love it...
Dragons made out of trash (to paper mache later)...
making castles...
mixing colors...
dragons made out of trash...
painting wands...
And painting her hand is allowed too, ya know...
gluing castles together...
Finished castle! Pretty girl. :)
Tie Dye day...